Creative thinking - dialectual unification of both logical and illogical thinking 创新思维是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的辩证统一
The function of the reasoning in mathematics study and cultivation of illogical thinking 合情推理在数学学习与非逻辑思维培养中的作用
Through the approach of investigative questionnaire and ability examination , considering both teachers " teaching practice in senior high school and students " need in analyzing and resolving problem , taking the method of fixing the quality and quantity , we make a demonstration research . at last , we draw a conclusion that the 19 manifestations of chemistry ability can be reduced to three levels : the basal level , called repeating thinking , includes distinguishing and judging the chemical fact and relations of quantity in chemical reaction , comparing and summarizing the chemistry fundamental knowledge ; innovative thinking level includes illogical thinking and logical thinking . illogical thinking mainly contains intuition , association and space imagination of micro - particle 通过调查问卷、能力测试等途径,结合教师在中学化学的教学实践和学生在分析、解决问题的实际需要,采用定性与定量结合的方法,进行实证研究,得出结论:化学学科能力的19种表现形式归纳为3个层次:最基础的再造性思维能力层次包括对化学事实和化学反应中量的关系的识别和判断、对化学基础知识的比较概括;以培养创新能力为核心的创造性思维层次包括化学直觉思维、联想、对微观粒子的空间想象为主的非逻辑思维和灵活运用已学的化学知识通过分析、综合地解决问题为主的逻辑思维;化学实验能力层次是化学学科能力的最高层次,它以思维能力为基础,集中体现了化学教学的基本特征,实验能力层次包括:选用实验方法和设计实验方案,对实验的评价,研究和处理实验事实、资料、数据,发现规律,表达实验及其结果,最终解决问题的能力和发散思维。